Ryan M Rosenthal's Legal Blog


Ryan's Legal Blog

Video Cameras In Taxicabs Help To Determine Liability In Accidents

In car video cameras in taxicabs show details of car accidents

video cameraUp until a few years ago, if a taxicab driver got into an accident with another vehicle, depending on the situation, the driver of the other car could lie to the police and/or to their insurance company about how the accident happened. Without any independent witnesses, in a word versus word battle, the other driver’s insurance company could deny the claim. Now, most all taxicabs have video cameras installed in the cars, so when they are involved in accidents, and the other party tries to lie to their insurance company, the taxicab driver and/or their attorney, can usually get a video of the accident. This often turns initial denials into compensable claims.   Even in the situation where the other driver lies to the policeman on the scene, and the police report is not written in the taxicab drivers favor, being able to obtain a video of the accident often turns cases that were hopeless into cases that can be settled out of court. Granted the videos are not always the best in quality, but usually you can make out the color of traffic lights and are able to determine the true cause of the accident.  So, in closing, never lie to the police officer or your insurance company when you are involved in a car accident, but if you are contemplating being untruthful, and you were involved in an accident with a taxicab, know that you most likely will get caught thanks to the addition of video cameras in taxicabs!

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The Law Offices of Richard S. Sennett.
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